Specialized sessions on Environment education – Eco explorer
A series of 4 sessions was organized via online medium to sensitize the young children about environment. Along with the live sessions, students were involved in doing home work and activities related to it at home. Every weekend was filled with different topic, tool and lens to explore the world around us.
- First session started with connection with nature through our senses – listening, seeing, observing, documenting. Children shared their experiences through online call & notes.
- Second session was about the nature journaling. Nikita Gandhi facilitated ‘how to use journaling as tool to see , observe & connect with nature’
- Third session was on basics of bird watching. Anup bhai shared some interesting stories about the birds commonly found in Gujarat.
- Fourth session was facilitated by Saumya. It was about low waste life style. Where children tried to find alternatives for their waste footprint .
- Walk, Journal, Bird Watching, Waste – New perspective.. new lenses.. new journey for children to explore and learn. We are also planning to do offline residential camps to take this learning journey further.