CLC Activities of 2023-24

Students come and pray every day, then all the students present a story or something new to know. Then the teacher checks the home work of the students. Then they study subjects like Math’s, Science, English and Social Science. On Saturdays he studies a little and in the rest of the time he plays games, draws pictures, does art and craft, works with clay, Fun Activity, TLM Making.
Day Celebration
1. Ambedkar Jayanti
2. Earth Day
3. Ashadi Bij
4. Yoga Day
5. Guru Purnima
6. Independence Day

Independence Day
The Independence Day celebration was celebrated at each four center. Students feel blessed by participating in this celebration. Participation of students fills liveliness in program. Various activities were conducted in this program like singing, dancing, drama etc.

Along with education, various activities are done to the students and special Day is also celebrated, among which, as mentioned above, the day is celebrated with singing competition, painting, drama, Yoga etc.
Community Learning Centre (STD-10)
Sai’s Angel Foundation has also opened this year to the students of class 10 in which the students will be able to effectively study the four main subjects of mathematics, English, science and social science. Subject wises teachers have been placed for 2 hours every day. It has been systematically planned and carried out.