Vadiksha Scholar/ Whizkid 100

In the current year 2020-21, there are 27 Vadiksha Scholars. The students are both those identified during the SAF’s SmartCamp intervention and also selected through a process of screening test by sourcing applications from students of various government, municipal and granted schools of Vadodara, The class wise Vadiksha Scholar/ Whizkid students are as follows:


Class IX X XI XII Total
No of. Students 12 7 4 4 27

Life Skills Development: Sai’s Angel Foundation, through Life Skills Development Program endeavours to provide opportunities to the Whizkid 100 to have a holistic development, focused on various dimensions. While the primary focus remains academic excellence, emphasis is also given on different aspects of child development whether it is physical, psychological or cognitive. Projects under Life Skills Development Program are undertaken either by engaging professionals or in partnership with reputed institutions or organisations.
Life Skills Development: Sai’s Angel Foundation, through Life Skills Development Program endeavours to provide opportunities to the Whizkid 100 to have a holistic development, focused on various dimensions. While the primary focus remains academic excellence, emphasis is also given on different aspects of child development whether it is physical, psychological or cognitive. Projects under Life Skills Development Program are undertaken either by engaging professionals or in partnership with reputed institutions or organisations.